*By playing one, any, or all of these videos, you are agreeing to the following terms:
1. The videos (herein referred to as "videos") are offered for you (herein referred to as "you") to
watch free of charge.
2. The videos may not be edited, changed, or reproduced without the expressed, written permission of D. J. Hauser, G.
J. Hatez Jr. and/or J. M. Crabbs II (hydrodunk@yahoo.com.au).
3. Due to some adult language, these videos are not to be viewed by persons under the age of 18 without parental guidence.
4. These files may not be placed, whole or in part, on any other website, web page, or web log without written permission
of D. J. Hauser, G. J. Hatez Jr. and/or J. M. Crabbs II (same as above).