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Where in the World?

By Jake "J Emcee" Crabbs

Sept. 19, 2006

HYDRODUNK '06 is finished and the MixTape stars have all moved along to their winter homes. I have decided to give you all an update about where they are and what they are up to in their off season.

Artie "B Dub" Rathell is using his offseason to cross-train with other sports such as basketball, slow pitch softball and beer pong. He has moved north for the winter, because he is so "hairy and big" that warmer southern winters might cause heat stroke.

Gary "Del Greco" Hatez is wintering in Central Pennsylvania. He is studying history to gain a better understanding of the progress of sports. His thesis may or may not include the phrase "Hydrodunk is like the Spanish-American War, nobody knows what the hell it's about, but our everyday lives are affected whether we know it or not."

Andrew "Speedy" Hauser is spending his offseason in Pennsylvania as well. By following a strict diet and using a number of (prescription) drugs, Andrew plans to be in peak physical condition for next season.

Jake "JMC" Crabbs is spending his winter in Maryland. His cross-training includes soccer, flag football, handball, tennis, basketball, and most importantly, croquet. Sharpening his wits by reading Lao Tzu and Plato, JMC intends to bring a new philosophy to the sport next year.

The whereabouts of Dave "3D" Hauser are unknown. The only message he left about his plans reads:

"How can u (sic) just leave me standing?
Alone in a world thats so cold? (so cold)
Maybe I'm just 2 demanding
Maybe I'm just like my father 2 bold
Maybe your (sic) just like my mother
She's never satisfied (shes never satisfied)
Why do we scream at each other
This is what it sounds like
When doves cry"

All indications are that "Untitled 2007 Hydrodunk MixTape Season Project" will begin filming in June 2007.