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The Creative Dunker
Why I Am Not Allowed To Talk in Math Class

By Jake Crabbs

October 21, 2005

Few people appreciate the importance of Hydrodunk in my life. Hydrodunk is not just screwing around on sunny summer days. Hydrodunk is also watching highlight reels again and again, and finding something amazing every time. Hydrodunk is something to write about on the internet, something to dream about at night and something to discuss longingly with city boys who don't understand why you would ever want to go back to a small town.

Hydrodunk may well be the most important creative outlet that I have. On occasions when I allow myself to forget that, I get myself into trouble. I've not done anything with Hydrodunk for weeks, and it has cost me dearly.

For my math tutorial, I was required to write a five page paper about Book One of EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Most people wrote about why Proposition 47 was the focus of the book. Some wrote about the importance of converse propositions. I, because I have denied myself my usual creative outlets, wrote a five page paper about how Euclid could just as well have written a three act play with the triangle as his main character.

For those of you who are unsure, that does not make sense. Don't try to justify that concept. That was a BAD paper. Anyway, had I been doing alright until my creative side was denied its usual outlets and it was forced out in what was supposed to be a very serious examination of one of the most brilliant books ever written.

Long story short, I'll be writing a lot about Hydrodunk, watching a lot of Hydrodunk, and thinking a lot about Hydrodunk for the rest of the school year. By next spring, I intend to have 101 new dunk ideas ready to try out.